Sustainable Forest Management
Divine Flooring is committed to managing our forests well to ensure their health now and into the future. We carefully select suppliers whose practices protect and sustain forested lands. Their manufacturing processes are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), an international organization that promotes responsible forest management around the world.
A Higher Standard of Indoor Air Quality
At Divine Flooring, we ensure that our flooring products and accessories contain low to negligible volatile organic compounds (VOCs), so that they meet optimum indoor air quality levels. And we conduct ongoing third-party laboratory testing to measure and confirm our success. We are certified regularly by reputable international organizations like Scientific Certification Systems (SCS).
As a matter of practice, Divine Flooring holds itself to CARB Phase II standards and requires third-party inspections at all of our certified mills. These standards are based on California's CARB Phase II laws, which limit the amount of VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds), like formaldehyde, which can be released into the air, to levels that are determined to be very safe and responsible. They are the highest indoor air quality standards that exist in North America, and are superior to the EO indoor VOC emission standards that currently exist in Europe.